Tuesday, 14 April 2009


Well ive done it !!!!! my 1st 100% cambridge diet day ! im so fooking proud of myself....maybe ill be that think girl that i see in the mirror that no one else sees soon x

today went like this

11am- strawberry shake..watered down
3pm-chicken and mushroom soup
6.30- apple and cinimmon porridge

and i dont feel hungry AT ALL!!!! whats that all about then

I was just looking at people think goals and weights i see people goals of being 19 st then putting a goal of 10 st and then reading about the perons 9 st weight loss months later ....could this be me this time next year?... i cant give my self a goal as i cannot comprehend myself ever being thin!!!! if i get to a 14 i wud be soooooo happy 12-14 was my pre baby weight and if i get there then ill be busking for the money for my tummy tuck x!!

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Oh its really going to happen !!!

I have my cdc a lady called lesely who is also a member on the forum i found i see her 2 moro im so excited........so my journey begins 2 moro OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!! i feel the need to scream

I am really excited...i am really eager but also very scared!....what if i fail? what if i loose 6 stone then put it all back on again omg i need to step away from this post now!!

Saturday, 11 April 2009


Today i have tryed to get a cdc and no luck again ;-(....no replys to the emails sent last week so i phoned up the 0800 number and i have 2 numbers and no ones home!! I think im pushing it to get a response on a weekend plus its bank holiday..........aw well minimins is keeping me going meeting sum really good gals on there!!
Morning all,

Last night i found a FANTASTIC forum called minimins wow its great so friendly & welcoming ....cant wait to get stuck in......feel a bit of a of fraud thou as im still waiting fpr my cdc... but i and committed & i am cutting down my food intake to prepare myself for the next few weeks xxx

wonder what breakfast wud be if i was on the cambridge diet???????

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Oh we r here again!!

ahhhhh how many times have i been on a diet!...god dam to many to times i cant even remember !!

Im really gunna do it this time i honestly i really am !

Im going to use this site as a diet diary.Then i can look back here this time next year and hopefully be 4 stone lighter!!!!!!!!!.

I was 24 stone this time last year im now currently 19st something not sure as im to afraid to weigh! eekkkkk

hopefully i can post my pictures as progress never used this site before so i dunno what i can and cant do here x

2 moro is day bring on the diet!!!!!!!!! woohoooooooo xx